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網址:www.zamclothing.com  2018-03-02  作者:admin    閱讀:

蠕動泵通過對泵的彈性輸送軟管交替進行擠壓和釋放來泵送流體。就象用兩根手指夾擠軟管一樣,隨著手指的移動,管內形成負壓,液體隨之流動.蠕動泵就是在兩個轉輥子之間的一段泵管形成“枕”形流體。“枕”的體積取決于泵管的內徑和轉子的幾何特征。流量取決于泵頭的轉速與“枕”的尺寸、轉子每轉一圈產生的“枕”的個數這三項參數之乘積。“枕”的尺寸一般為常量(泵送粘性特別大的流體時除外)。拿轉子直徑相同的泵相比較,產生較大“枕”體積的泵,其轉子每轉一圈所輸送的流體體積也較大,但產生的脈動度也較大。這與膜閥的情形相似。而產生較小“枕”體積的泵,其轉子每轉一圈所輸送的流體體積也較??;而且,快速、連續(xù)地形成的小“枕”使流體的流動較為平穩(wěn)。這與齒輪泵的情形相似。 The squirm pump compresses and releases the pump through a flexible conveyor hose. Like use two fingers to squeeze the hose, along with the movement of the fingers, tube forming negative pressure, the liquid flow. Peristaltic pump is between two turning rolls a form "pillow" form fluid pump pipe. The size of the pillow depends on the internal diameter and the geometry of the rotor. The flow rate depends on the number of "pillow" the number of the "pillow" of the pump head and the "pillow" of the rotor. The size of the "pillow" is usually constant (except when the pump delivers a particularly viscous fluid). With rotor diameter, in comparison with the same pump "pillow" larger volume pump, its rotor per round the transmission fluid volume is bigger also, but the pulse is bigger also. This is similar to the membrane valve. The volume of the pump that produces a smaller "pillow" is smaller than that of the rotor. Furthermore, the rapid and continuous formation of small "pillows" makes the fluid flow more smoothly. This is similar to the case of a gear pump. 具有雙向同等流量輸送能力;無液體空運轉情況下不會對泵的任何部件造成損害;能產生達98%的真空度;沒有閥、機械密封和填料密封裝置,也就沒有這些產生泄露和維護的因素;能輕松的輸送固、液或氣液混合相流體,允許流體內所含固體直徑達到管狀元件內徑40%;可輸送各種具有研磨、腐蝕、氧敏感特性的物料及各種食品等;僅軟管為需要替換的部件,更換操作極為簡單;除軟管外,所輸送產品不與任何部件接觸。 Having the capacity of two-way traffic; There is no damage to any part of the pump in the absence of a liquid air. It produces 98 percent vacuum; There are no valves, mechanical seals, and packing seals, and there is no such thing as leakage and maintenance; It is easy to transport solid, liquid or gas-liquid mixtures, allowing the solid diameter of the fluid to reach 40% of the diameter of the tube. It can carry all kinds of materials, such as abrasive, corrosive, oxygen-sensitive properties and various kinds of food. The hose is a simple replacement for the parts that need to be replaced. The product is not in contact with any part except the hose.

